


Arrowhead Mills, 有機莧菜片, 12 oz (340 g)

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  • Certified Organic
  • Naturally Nutritious
  • Kosher Pareve
  • 29 g Whole Grain Per Serving
  • Rich Source of Vitamin C
  • USDA Organic
  • Certified Organic by the Texas Department of Agriculture (TDA)
  • Whole Grain Cereal
  • Low Fat
  • A Cholesterol Free Food
  • 髮旺旺
  • Sweetened with Fruit Juice
  • Vegan
  • All Natural - No Artificial Anything!
  • Grown without Synthetic Pesticides
  • Made with No Genetically Engineered Ingredients
  • Eat 48 g or More of Whole Grains Daily

From America's Heartland to Your Heart.

Arrowhead Mills has been the pioneer and leader in organic baking mixes, grains, cereals and nut butters since 1960. We believe in nature's abundance and treat food with respect--not chemicals! Capturing the essence of the earth with organically grown ingredients, Arrowhead Mills takes you back to the basics with the best-tasting, most diverse selection of products for home-baked goodness.

You床的世界're always home with Arrowhead!

Our organically grown ingredients, which are certified by independent th床的世界ird party agencies, are handled and distributed based on a strict set of standards. We use no chemical fertilizers, synthetic pesticides or herbicides...just natural, hearty wholesomeness!

Amaranth Flakes, "the Immortal Cereal". Derived from the Greek word for " immortal", Amaranth seeds, a staple of the Aztecs and American Indians, are deliciously combined with oats, brown rice, corn and rye to deliver a good source of iron in this low fat, organic cereal.

Arrowhead Mills, 有機莧菜片, 12 oz (340 g)


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